State Warriors decoration - award document

First issue:

State Warriors decoration - award document


State Warriors decoration - award document - back


State Warriors decoration with award document

The award and the document together, slightly different layout


Later issue:

State Warriors decoration - award document later issue

with thanks to Tal Inbar

State Warriors decoration - award ceremony

Presentation of the decoration started in 1968. Here follow some pictures of the November 3, 1968 ceremony at the president's residence in Jerusalem.


State Warriors decoration - award ceremony

President Shazar speaking to the recipients of the decoration: former members of underground organizations

State Warriors decoration - award ceremony

President Shazar presenting the decoration pin to the father of Moshe Barazani,  who was executed in Egypt.

State Warriors decoration - award ceremony

Mrs. Catherine Senesh  is presented with the decoration
 in memory of her daughter Hannah Senesh

State Warriors decoration - award ceremony

Yigael Yadin, second IDF Chief of Staff, receives the decoration

State Warriors decoration - award ceremony

Chief Of Staff Chaim Barlev


Pictures: Government Press Office, Milner Moshe

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