Veterans Medals

After the creation of the State of Israel, veteran organizations were instituted uniting the many Jewish fighters who took part in the Second World War, whether as soldiers in the Allied Forces or as partisans in the armed resistance against the Nazis. Here are some medals issued by these organizations and awarded to their members.


Disabled Veterans of Fight against Nazism, 1990

This copper nickel medal was produced by the Israel Government Coins and Medals Corporation for the World Organization of Jewish Fighters, Partisans and Camp Inmates and the Association of Disabled Veterans of Fight against Nazism, commemorating 45 years of the end of WWII.

Size: 35 mm diameter
Weight: 25 gr.
Number of medals produced: 4004
Edge: On the edge of the medal the letters I.G.C.M.(Israel Government Coins and Medals Corporation) are imprinted.
Design: Efraim Weichselfish
Engraving and mint: Kretschmer, Jerusalem
Material: Nickel

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Medal for the 45th anniversary of victory in the Second World War, 1990

1450 copies of this medal were produced by the Israel Government Coins and Medals Corporation for the Union of Second World War Veterans living in Israel, who fought in the USSR.

Size: 35 mm diameter
Weight: 25 gr.
Design: Front designed by the veterans union, back plain



Disabled Veterans of Fight against Nazism 1995
This bronze medal was produced by the Israel Government Coins and Medals Corporation for the World Organization of Jewish Fighters, Partisans and Camp Inmates and the Association of Disabled Veterans of Fight against Nazism, commemorating 50 years of the end of WWII. Number of medals produced: about 10000.

Size: 40 mm diameter
Weight: 25 gr.
Design: Yoram Shnir
Zechovoy, Israel
Material: Nickel

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Click here to see the medal certificate


A medal commemorating 50 years to the victory on Germany.

This medal without the French flag.

Do you have any information on this medal, please let us know.


Jewish Fighters against the Nazis - medal commemorating 55 years to victory on Germany

Material: Nickel

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Click here to see the medal certificate


Medal commemorating 60 years to victory on Germany 1945-2005

awarded to Jewish Fighters against the Nazis

Material: Nickel

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Click here to see the medal certificate


Medal commemorating 65 years to victory on Germany 1945-2010

awarded to Jewish Fighters against the Nazis

Material: Nickel

Click here to see the medal certificate



Medal produced for the "Organization of Partisans, Underground and Ghetto Fighters", 1941 - 2013.

1941 was the year in which the Soviet Union entered the Second World War.

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Association of Disabled Veterans of Fight against Nazism 2015

This copper nickel medal was produced for the "Association of Disabled Veterans of Fight against Nazism", commemorating 70 years of the end of WWII.

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With thanks to Nati


Medal commemorating 70 years to victory on Germany 1945-2015

Front: 1945-2015 70 Years Victory of the Allies over Nazi Germany

Back: In memory of 1,500,000 Jewish Fighters in the Second World War

medal size: 38mm

Overall length: 93mm

Metal: antique gold plated

The medal was produced for Jewish veteran organizations and supported by the Minister of Defence Moshe Yaalon.

Source of picture:

Award ceremony took place on 10 November 2015 at army base Latrun.

Click here to see the medal certificate

    1977 -2017
40 Years Union of Veterans of the Second World War who fought against the Nazis 

The 15th Congress
For your contribution to the Second World War veterans

    Medal presented to "Esteemed member" of the Association of Disabled Veterans of Fight against Nazism 

Medal commemorating 75 years to victory on Germany 1945-2020

Front: 1945-2020 75 Years Victory of the Allies over Nazi Germany

Back: In memory of 1,500,000 Jewish Fighters in the Second World War

Metal: antique gold plated

Source of picture:

See picture of medal award ceremony





Second World War veterans
(Picture: Government Press Office)