Moroccan Decorations and Campaign medals awarded for wars against Israel
1973 Yom Kippur War
  The Middle Eastern Commemorative Medal: instituted by King Hassan II on 30th August 1975 as a campaign medal to recognise the services in the Morrocan contingent sent to fight in the Ramadhan War of 8th October 1973, particularlarly for services on the Egyptian and Syrian fronts. Awarded in a single class, a crowned circular bronze medal 43mm in diameter, worn from a 37mm wide moiré ribbon of green, white and red.
  The Volunteers' Medal: instituted by King Hassan II on 30th August 1975 as a campaign medal to recognise the services of Moroccan military volunteers during the Ramadhan War of 8th October 1973. Awarded in a single class, a crowned circular bronze medal measuring 43mm in diameter, worn from a green moiré ribbon 37mm wide.