Junk - offered on eBay

From time to time medals appear on eBay that are pure junk, very often described as "Rare, scarce" etcetera. Don't let them fool you!

On this page, we will start presenting some of them. Do you have any items to show here? Or do you have data on the items here presented? Please let us know.

"Egypt 1970 Airstrike medal"


The medal shows the date 18.7.1970 and some Hebrew text. Using Google, it is possible to find a date during the War of Attrition: "July 18, 1970: An Israeli airstrike on Egypt causes casualties among Soviet military personnel."

This may have convinced the seller that the medal is connected to this airstrike.

However, the Hebrew text on both sides reads: Tel Aviv, Israel, 18.7.1970 , Youth Town.

The medal is to commemorate an annual youth festival that used to take place during the summer on Tel Aviv Exhibition Grounds. So this is no rare military medal.

Medal of Valor - offered in a case of the Decoration of Courage

One of the most valued decorations of Israel is the Decoration of Valor (Itur Hagvura) of which only 40 were awarded until today, the last one in 1975. Several modern remakes are offered on eBay. Here we display an offer which is indeed "Rare" and "Unique" because it includes a recent production of the Medal of Valor, however with a separate ribbon added in a not matching tone of yellow and to make it really an attractive offer, a case which is described as "original and unique" however is the case of the Decoration of Courage! This all for a mere $275.

Prison Service Medal
Offered on eBay several years ago, what looks like a cast aluminum copy of the Prison Service Medal.
Wrong ribbon, wrong box made of beech wood instead of olive wood.
Mishelet Lev Token

This medal is actually a token, sold in supermarkets in Israel. The benefits of this token are for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Israel (Mishelet Lev). This organisation is the Israeli affiliate of an international foundation whose sole mission is to grant wishes to children suffering from life-threatening illnesses between the ages of 3-18. http://www.makeawish.org.il/index_en.asp
Somebody connected a ribbon to this token and tried to sell it on eBay as a "military medal".

IDF Marching medal of 1973

This marching medal appears from time to time on eBay and is very often described as a "Rare IDF medal for the Yom Kippur war of 1973".
First of all - this is a marching medal, a souvenir from the IDF and not to be worn on the uniform. Secondly - this march took place before the Yom Kippur war, so has really nothing to do with it.