Medals of the Jewish Lads's Brigade

From Wikipedia

The Jewish Lads' Brigade was a military association of English Jewish boys, formed, organized, and directed by Col. Albert E. W. Goldsmid "to instill into the rising generation from their earliest years habits of orderliness, cleanliness, and honour, so that in learning to respect themselves they will do credit to their community." It is the first association of its kind. Jewish lads are eligible for membership between the ages of twelve and sixteen, and may remain, up to the rank of sergeant, until the age of eighteen. There is no limit to the age of superior officers. There are at present three regiments in existence: the London Regiment, consisting of all the battalions and companies in the London district; the Northern Regiment, consisting of similar units in the north and midlands of England; and the Colonial Regiment, consisting of companies in Canada and South Africa. In addition to the infantry training there are also signalling and ambulance organisations. Stress is laid upon the athletic clubs in connection with the organisation.


Goldsmid memorial medal

 for long and efficient service.


The Ernest M. Halsted Medal or "Adjutant's medal"

This medal was given for work at a minimum of three summer camps in the Adjutant's department, with the attainment of a required standard of proficiency in drill.

The Lewis Emanuel Medal

This medal was given for at least four passes in the Proficiency Badge Scheme.

The obverse shows a mounted officer inspecting a rank of cadets. Behind the officer is a flag bearing a Hebrew inscription, most likely the text "They go from strength to strength", the Brigade's motto, taken from the 84th psalm.

The reverse shows in the center the initials of the brigade within a laurel wreath.





Source of information: Bulletin of "The Military Historical Society", August 1975

All pictures © Igor Ostapenko