Israeli military decorated with foreign decorations

Col. Hanny Caspi awarded the Medalha do Pacificador (Medal of the Peace-Maker) by the Brazilian Ambassador in Israel

October 27, 2011

Brazil’s Ambassador to Israel, Ms. Maria Elisa Berenguer (left), awarded the medal to the Head of the International Military Cooperation Department of the Planning Directorate, Col. Hanny Caspi (right), for her peace-making efforts. The medal was given to Col. Caspi to honor her contribution in promoting the security cooperation between the IDF and the Brazilian Army. The Brazilian Ambassador also mentioned that she is excited that the head of the department is a woman. Col. Caspi is only the fourth Israeli officer to receive the medal, which is signed by the General of the Brazilian Ground Forces, and is considered as a gesture of respect and appreciation.



Unfortunately, no better pictures were released.

Medal of the Peace-Maker (Medalha do Pacificador)

Bronze medal in the form of a crowned escutcheon, the rear of the crown with a bar for ribbon suspension; the face with the arms of the Duke of Caxias; the reverse inscribed ‘DUQUE DE CAXIAS - MEDALHA DO PACIFICADOR’. The medal was instituted by Decree 34918 on 9 January 1954 and is intended to reward those who, by their attitude, dedication and professional ability, raise the prestige and reputation of the Brazilian Armed Forces with the armed forces of other nations, to those who contribute to the consolidation and amicable relations between the Armed Forces and the nation and to those civilians who render particular service to the Armed Forces. Luís Alves de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias (1803-1880) was the most prominent and influential Brazilian military leader. He led Brazilian forces to victory against Argentinian expansion in 1852 and was again victorious commanding the forces of the Triple Alliance in the war against Paraguay in the 1860s.


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