Translation of Six Day War campaign ribbon certificates

The Six Day War ribbon is awarded to the Echtman Ltd. company for her contribution to the campaign
The Six Day War ribbon is awarded to Yaram Volunteers for her contribution to the campaign
To the Civil Defense soldier
For your contribution in the war within the Jerusalem District
I present you
"the Brigade badge"
and "the Six Day War Campaign ribbon"
Wear them with pride
Shkedi Simcha
Commander of Civil Defense, Jerusalem District
Hereby is given the right to wear
The Six Day War ribbon
Above document is the announcement:
Hereby is presented to you
the Six Day War Ribbon (Decoration)
to mark your contribution to the war effort.
Attached to this is a certificate on behalf
Lt. General Zvi Tsur. Deputy Minister of Defense
The following is the actual certificate: 
State of Israel
Ministry of Defense
This is to certify
that Chacham Rachamim
is awarded the Six Day War ribbon (decoration)
Zvi Tsur
Lt. General
Deputy Minister of Defense

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